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Orion and the Clockwork

Orion has been chosen to be protected by the Clockwork, a seemingly indestructible metal golem designed to guard him at all costs.

He did not sign up for this.

Add to the fact that a man named Syndra has taken over the country and wants to kill him and steal the Clockwork, and his relationship with Rami, a boy from the countryside, is cut abruptly short because of it, and Orion finds himself wishing the mysterious machine had never chosen him to begin with.

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About the Author

Michael has always had a love for writing that stems from writing a short story about turtles on his family computer in second grade. From there, he never stopped writing, and wrote his first ten-thousand-word book in the third grade, igniting his passion for storytelling.

Now, the only thing stopping Michael from writing more is his schedule. Ideas like Orion and the Clockwork and the Steam War series keep him up at night, plotting his creative path forward.
